Indianapolis Truck Accident Case Process Timeline

How long is the truck accident lawsuit process? It’s a natural question as people want to know how long they have to wait for a settlement after being injured in an Indianapolis large truck crash. During the wait, medical expenses can pile up, and it can be hard to manage finances if you are unable to work due to severe injuries.

Ultimately, there is no simple and general answer to this question. Truck accident lawsuits can take from a few months to several years, depending on the circumstances. Typically, truck accidents are legally more complex than car accidents, so settlements usually take longer to reach.

If you have sustained injuries in a truck accident, get help from the personal injury attorneys at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC. Navigating a truck accident claim on your own is an immense task. Our lawyers can streamline the procedure and minimize unnecessary delays along the way. We will work tirelessly to provide a timely and fair resolution to your case so you can move forward with your life.

Contact us online or call today to schedule a free consultation with an Indianapolis truck accident lawyer at our firm.

How Long Does an Indianapolis Truck Accident Case Take?

The length of a truck accident case is highly dependent on the case’s individual facts, but you can expect to spend at least six months as a general rule. Several factors that affect the length of a lawsuit include:

  • Extent of injuries and the amount of medical records
  • Disputes over the cause of the crash
  • Number of liable parties and insurance coverage involved
  • Amount of evidence and witness statements, and issues obtaining them
  • Need for expert analysis and accident reconstruction
  • Issues involving comparative negligence and shared liability
  • Need for lawsuits and other court intervention

Regardless of the facts of your case, hiring our attorneys can help expedite your claim. Our knowledge and experience allow us to manage the claims process effectively and reduce the risk of delays.

Key Steps in an Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawsuit

Before moving on to a lawsuit, you would typically first file a claim against the policy insuring the truck against liability claims. After you file an insurance claim, the insurer will open an investigation and send an adjuster to assess the damages. Your attorney will perform a parallel investigation in case of disputes about the facts.

After investigating, the insurance company will decide whether and how much of a settlement to offer for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and other losses. Insurance companies often lowball victims at first, but your attorney can push back and negotiate for a higher settlement if the initial one doesn’t provide fair compensation for your serious injuries and related losses. If an agreement is reached, you can sign the settlement contract and receive your compensation, which may be paid as a single lump sum or as structured installments over time.

If you cannot reach an agreement, the next step is to file a lawsuit against the liable parties. A critical early step in this process is discovery, in which the plaintiff (the person bringing the case) and defendant gather and share evidence. During the pre-trial phase, a judge may order mediation before proceeding to trial.

If an agreement remains unreachable through the settlement process, then both parties involved will appear at trial to present their arguments and evidence to a jury acting as factfinder. After deliberation, the jury will render a verdict on whether and how much compensation the plaintiff should receive. Some trials may be conducted from the bench, which means there is no jury, just a judge.

Indiana’s Statute of Limitations for Truck Wrecks

Indiana’s statute of limitations for personal injury actions, including truck accident lawsuits, is two years from the date the cause of action accrues. That means you typically have two years from the date the accident occurred to file a lawsuit. Waiting longer than two years will prevent you from recovering damages for injury-related expenses.

A truck accident lawsuit may take over two years to resolve, but you must initiate it within two years to maintain your legal claim. In either case, it’s in your best interest to contact our attorneys as soon as possible to start building your case while the evidence is still fresh.

How Settlement Negotiations Work in Truck Accident Cases

The negotiation process in a truck accident case is a back-and-forth process between your attorney and the insurance adjuster. Your lawyer will likely start with a demand letter with a starting figure for negotiations. At this point, the insurance company might make you a settlement offer much lower than the amount requested in the demand letter. Your attorney will assess the offer and make a counteroffer that accounts for a larger share of expenses. This back-and-forth will continue until both parties reach a satisfactory agreement, if possible.

Attorneys are helpful here because they know the tactics insurance companies often use to get out of paying a fair settlement. Insurers might dismiss the severity of your injuries or try to push some of the fault for the accident onto you. Your attorney can push back against those attempts and make sure you have enough evidence and medical documentation to prove your case thoroughly.

When Should You Contact an Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyer?

Things are more complicated in a truck accident claim, as one of the parties will likely be a business. Employers are generally liable for the negligence of their employees through a doctrine called vicarious liability. Further complicating factors, the trucking industry involves several distinct parties, such as cargo owners, loading teams, and independent mechanics – all of which might share liability. Lastly, since many trucking companies operate across different states, your case may involve more complicated jurisdictional issues than would be the case for a crash involving just passenger vehicles.

An Indianapolis truck accident attorney from Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC can effectively navigate these legal complexities and work toward a satisfactory resolution. Truck accidents are one of our firm’s principal practice areas, so we are well-versed in the state and federal trucking regulations that may apply to your case. The sooner you contact us after a crash, the more we can do for you.

How Our Indianapolis Truck Accident Lawyers Can Help You

Semi-truck accident lawsuits raise several legal issues not present in typical car accident claims, so it’s in your best interest to work with an accomplished truck accident attorney. Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC has over 25 years of experience serving truck accident victims in Indiana, and our team wants to help you with the legal process next.

We are fierce advocates for injured people and won’t back down to big insurers or trucking companies. We are equipped to fight for the maximum compensation you need. We cannot undo the pain and suffering you have experienced, but we can pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible parties to seek justice and closure.

Don’t wait to get assertive legal help with your semi-truck accident case. Contact our office online or reach out by phone today for a free consultation with an Indianapolis truck accident attorney.