Improper Lane Change Accident Attorney in Indianapolis

Car improperly changing lanes

Did a careless driver hit you because they tried to change lanes when it was unsafe to do so? If so, they could be responsible for your medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and other consequences of the accident. Let an Indianapolis car accident lawyer with Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC help you rebuild your life by demanding fair compensation for these and other losses.

Our award-winning lawyers have the experience, skills, and resources to handle your improper lane change crash case efficiently and expediently. You have a limited time to act, so contact us today for your free, no-obligation consultation with an improper lane change accident lawyer in Indianapolis. You pay nothing unless and until we win your case first.  

Types and Causes of Lane Changing Accidents and Improper Merging Crashes

Improper lane changes are a leading cause of collisions in Indiana. In fact, unsafe lane movement accounted for over 12,000 accidents statewide in one recent year, while unsafe lane movement contributed to over 5,000 more, according to the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute.

These collisions happen for different reasons, primarily due to driver error. Here are the most common types and causes of unsafe lane change accidents:

  • Failing to use turn signals â€“ Some drivers neglect to use turn signals when changing lanes, which fails to communicate their intentions to other road users. An unsignaled lane change can take other drivers by surprise and lead to a crash.  
  • Ignoring blind spots â€“ Drivers who fail to adequately check their blind spots before changing lanes risk colliding with unseen vehicles.
  • Inattentive driving â€“ Distracted drivers are a leading factor in all traffic accidents, including lane change collisions. They’re too busy using their phones, adjusting radio controls, daydreaming, or doing something else to look, signal, and properly change lanes.
  • Aggressive driving â€“ Drivers who constantly weave through traffic and change lanes frequently are likely to cause an improper lane change crash.  
  • Improper merging – Entering and exiting traffic make highway on- and off-ramps frequent sites of improper lane-change accidents.   

Evidence for Determining Liability for Indianapolis Improper Lane Change Accidents

Indiana Code § 9-21-8-24 states that drivers may not move from one traffic lane to another unless they can do so safely. If a driver fails in this obligation and causes a collision as a result, you can hold them liable for the consequences. But to do so, you’ll need convincing evidence that they left their lane when it was unsafe and hit you as a result.

Let a skilled attorney with Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC gather evidence of the other driver’s fault by: 

  • Reviewing the police report for supporting documentation that the other driver caused or largely contributed to the crash
  • Recovering dashcam footage and digital onboard data to assess the driver’s actions before and during the accident
  • Obtaining traffic camera footage and accident scene photos to reconstruct the events leading to the crash.
  • Interviewing witnesses who might provide additional insight into the accident.

Potential Injuries and Unsafe Lane Change Accident Compensation 

Failing to change lanes safely can lead to serious accidents and severe injuries, including the following examples:

  • Broken bones â€“ The force of impact in improper lane change accidents can cause fractures in the arms, legs, ribs, pelvis, and other bones.
  • Whiplash â€“ Whiplash is a neck injury caused by the rapid, backward-and-forward movement of the head. It commonly occurs in collisions that impact the back end of a driver’s vehicle. Symptoms may include neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and shoulder or back pain.
  • Head injuries â€“ Car accidents are a leading cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBI). These head injuries can have long-lasting effects on cognitive function, motor skills, and overall quality of life.
  • Spinal cord and back injuries – Improper lane changes can result in spinal cord and back injuries caused by the extreme force of impact and the sudden jolting of the body. Spinal cord injuries often have profound and lasting effects on mobility, sensation, and bodily function.

If someone else is responsible for the unsafe lane change accident, you can demand they compensate you for your:

  • Past and ongoing medical treatment â€“ Car accident injuries often require extensive and costly medical care, including surgeries, hospital stays, visits to specialists such as orthopedic surgeons or neurologists, and ongoing medication to manage pain and aid recovery.  
  • Rehabilitation â€“ Some car accident victims may need rehabilitation to regain strength, mobility, and function. It can involve physical and occupational therapy to help individuals recover from injuries and restore their quality of life.
  • Lost wages â€“ Car accidents can result in time away from work due to injuries, medical appointments, and recovery time. Lost wages can have a significant financial impact on injured individuals and their families, particularly if those individuals are the primary breadwinners or have limited sick leave and disability benefits.
  • Pain and suffering â€“ Pain and suffering damages compensate victims for the physical discomfort, mental anguish, and diminished quality of life they experience as a result of the accident and their injuries.
  • Property damage – Collisions can cause serious vehicle damage, especially when they happen at highway speeds. Victims may be owed compensation for the cost of repairing or replacing their damaged vehicles.

Time Limits for Filing an Improper Lane Change Accident Lawsuit in Indiana 

In Indiana, the statute of limitations for filing an accident lawsuit is generally two years from the date of the crash. Failing to file within this period typically results in losing the right to sue for compensation. Don’t risk forfeiting your right to compensation. Contact our car accident lawyers to get started on your claim today.

Get Help from a Lane Change Collision Attorney in Indianapolis Now

Were you hurt by a driver who collided with you while attempting to change lanes? At Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC, we have the experience, resources, and results to put your mind at ease after a car accident. Our improper lane change collision attorneys understand the nuances of these cases and how to recover compensation for injured parties. Let us put our award-winning service to work for you while you concentrate on resting and recovering.

Contact us today for a free consultation, and we’ll explain your best legal options in detail.