Indiana is the fifth busiest state for heavy trucking, and trucks ship nearly three-quarters of a billion tons of freight across the state’s roads annually, according to the Indiana Department of Transportation. Consequently, truck accidents in Indiana are relatively common.
The percentage of fatal traffic accidents in Indiana that involve large trucks is about 40 percent higher than the national average, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Indiana highways that serve as major trucking corridors are particularly hazardous.
Identifying High-Risk Areas for Commercial Truck Accidents in Indiana
Truck collisions are generally more common in places with more motorists, higher speed limits, and more congested roadways. Roads that carry the highest risk of truck accidents include:
- Interstates
- Highways
- High-traffic urban areas
- Intersections
- Work zones
- Steep grades
- Tight curves
Various factors in these locations can contribute to and exacerbate traffic collisions, such as:
- Truck driver fatigue
- Impaired driving
- Defective truck parts
- Distracted driving
- Poor road conditions
- Untrained truck operators
- Bad weather
- Dangerous road design
The Most Dangerous Highways for Trucks in Indiana
Deadly truck collisions in Indiana are most common on rural highways with speed limits of 55 mph or above, according to data from NHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). Some of the most dangerous sections of road in the state include:
- State Route 37 (SR-37)
- State Route 67 (SR-67)
- Interstate 70 (I-70)
- Interstate 65 (I-65)
- Interstate 80 (I-80)
- Interstate 90 (I-90)
Interstates, in general, are highly represented because they are often close to high-traffic metro areas and see the most amount of truck traffic mixing with passenger cars.
How to Handle Indiana’s Truck Accident Hotspots
If you find yourself in a truck accident hotspot, here is some guidance to maintain safety.
- Stay out of trucks’ blind spots. Trucks have four blind spots on all sides of the cab and trailer. As a general rule, if you can’t see the driver, they can’t see you.
- Use extra caution while in road work zones and carefully follow all traffic diversion signals.
- Plan your routes in advance to avoid work zones or congestion on high-risk routes.
- Minimize all in-car distractions. Don’t text and drive, keep your eyes on the road, and stay aware of other drivers.
- Significantly reduce your speed in bad weather like rain, ice, fog, or snow.
If you get into an accident with a large commercial vehicle, it’s important to remain calm and start documenting the scene. Take pictures of the accident scene and get the truck driver’s contact and insurance information. Talk to our truck accident attorneys as soon as possible to begin the next steps in the claims process.
Get Help from Our Indiana Truck Accident Lawyers
If you’ve been hurt in a truck crash on one of Indiana’s high-risk trucking routes, our experienced truck accident lawyers want to help you seek fair compensation for what you’ve suffered. The team at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC has decades of experience helping truck accident victims secure justice.
Contact us online or call today to schedule a free case consultation with an experienced attorney for commercial truck crashes in Indiana.