The Importance of Acting Quickly After a Truck Accident

Have you recently been involved in a truck accident? If so, you should act swiftly and carefully to protect your health, your legal rights, and your ability to recover compensation for the harm you have suffered.

Why Is Acting Quickly Crucial After a Truck Collision? 

Acting quickly after a truck accident is crucial for several reasons. 

For one, it’s essential to seek immediate medical attention to address crash injuries, some of which might not be immediately apparent. That is the best way to obtain appropriate medical care and establish a formal record of your injuries, which might be necessary for insurance claims or legal matters.

 Second, most state laws require you to report serious accidents to the authorities. You should call the police promptly after a truck accident to comply with the law and create an official record of the accident.

Third, evidence of the truck accident, like skid marks or vehicle positions, can quickly fade or shift. Witnesses’ memories can fade with time. Gathering photos and witness statements immediately after a truck crash can preserve critical evidence before it deteriorates or gets cleared away.

Finally, all states have strict legal time limits on how long you can wait to file a personal injury claim. Missing these deadlines can mean losing your right to sue, so swift action is essential.

The Critical Importance of Seeking Emergency Medical Attention  

Seeking medical attention immediately after a truck accident is critically important. Even if you think you feel fine at first, you might have invisible life-threatening injuries that don’t show symptoms right away, such as a concussion or internal bleeding.

Immediate medical treatment can catch hidden injuries early, preventing long-term health issues and possibly even saving your life. Additionally, the doctor who treats you will create a medical record of your serious injuries. The record will be vital if you file an injury claim because it will show that your injuries came from the truck accident, not a pre-existing condition or a separate incident, as the insurance company might claim. 

Preserving Evidence: Why Time Is of the Essence 

Preserving evidence after a truck accident is a race against time. Quick action is the best way to capture critical details that might disappear or change. For example, by taking photos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, and any injuries, you can capture important details before they change. Promptly talking to witnesses allows you to gather their accounts while the event is fresh in their minds. These kinds of evidence may be vital for proving what happened and supporting your claim.

What Is the Statute of Limitations to File a Truck Accident Claim?

Every state has a statute of limitations on personal injury claims, which is a law that specifies how long you have to file a truck accident injury lawsuit. The filing window begins on the accident date, and it can be as short as one year or extend to several years, depending on where and how the accident happened. 

Failing to file your claim before the statute of limitations expires could mean losing your chance to sue for compensation. Prompt action allows you to preserve your legal options and gives your attorney more time to prepare a compelling case.

Get Help from an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney 

Time is of the essence after a truck accident, so don’t wait to get the help you need. Contact Craig, Kelley, & Faultless LLC today for a free initial consultation with an experienced truck accident lawyer at our law firm.
