
Please note that Craig, Kelley & Faultless, LLC, does not handle legal malpractice cases. Choosing the right attorney can be challenging. There are a lot of law firms that make extraordinary claims and some that even show up at your door uninvited. Understanding what constitutes unethical behavior on the part…

One of the first people we turn to for help investigating a semi-truck accident case is a truck mechanic. Our legal team works with trained professionals who can conduct the type of forensic truck accident investigation that is necessary to determine whether a mechanical problem led to the accident. In…

Many commercial trucks and truck drivers get cited for safety violations. Some are serious enough that the driver and their big rigs are ordered off the road until the violations are corrected. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), which regulates the U.S. interstate trucking industry, conducts inspections and actively…

The trucking industry is one of the most highly regulated industries in the United States. Large trucks that may weigh up to 80,000 pounds fully loaded are vital to interstate commerce but pose a threat to life and limb when involved in accidents. Federal regulations and Missouri trucking laws govern…

It’s no secret that Americans are becoming more and more attached to their cell phones. We take them everywhere, check them when we wake in the middle of the night and train ourselves to react immediately to new message alerts. Many drivers cannot even bring themselves to detach from their…

Some people are not competent to operate a car safely because of cognitive decline, failing eyesight, or other health issues. These unsafe drivers pose a risk to themselves and others on the road. Under Missouri law, immediate family members and certain professionals such as doctors and social workers can report…

Missouri is home to more than 1,100 miles of interstate highways. Large commercial trucks represent a substantial portion of the traffic on interstates. Whenever you share the road with a big rig, it’s important to keep in mind that commercial truck drivers face different driving challenges than automobile drivers and…

Did you lose a loved one in an unexpected and preventable accident, or due to someone else’s wrongful act? If so, you or other surviving family members may be entitled to seek accountability through a wrongful death lawsuit. The sudden loss of someone you care about can be especially difficult….