Hot spot for truck-wreck deaths: St. Louis County, Missouri

More people are killed in large truck wrecks in St. Louis County than in any of the other 113 Missouri counties. That’s not a surprising fact, considering it is the state’s most populous county, home to the city of the same name. But it reinforces an important fact: Metropolitan areas are uniquely dangerous for motorists and come with their own set of cautions.

Is it safe to drive in St. Louis?

St. Louis is similar to many big cities in that it is densely populated, with heavy traffic and frequent construction. (For details about St. Louis construction, check out our recent post.)

When interstates and bridges are under construction, traffic patterns change. Cars and large trucks must share roads in closer proximity to one another. Lanes are more crowded, commutes are lengthened, and distractions are aplenty.

In 2021, the most recent year with available data, 43% of Missouri’s fatal work zone crashes involved a large truck. There were 137 total truck wreck fatalities, which was a 49% increase from data listing 92 deaths 10 years prior.

If the fatalities from truck wrecks in Missouri were divided evenly among the 114 counties, each county would have one to two deaths. Instead, data shows that 13 people died in truck crashes in St. Louis County in 2021. That’s more than 9% of total fatalities.

Tips for driving in cities

It can be daunting to drive in and around major metropolitan areas. Follow these tips to avoid common driving mistakes.

  • Keep a fair distance away from other cars. You should stay at least three seconds behind the car ahead of you. In bad weather, like fog, rain or snow, you should stay even farther back.
  • Put your phone away. Texting, pulling up directions, and even taking phone calls have been tied to countless crashes across the country. Distractions aren’t worth it. Collisions can happen in seconds.
  • Don’t rage. Road rage during stressful situations leads to aggressive driving. For your safety and that of other drivers, act with a level head, especially amid traffic and in populated areas.

Personal injury attorneys: Missouri

You’ll need to work with qualified attorneys if you’re in a serious wreck caused by a commercial motor vehicle. Lawyers at Craig, Kelley & Faultless are licensed to represent Missouri clients, and we have an office in St. Louis.

We successfully help clients in and around St. Louis get the financial compensation they deserve. Attorney and partner Chris Barry is the firm attorney licensed to practice in Missouri.

Contact our Missouri office at (314) 367-2661 or using our online form. The Craig, Kelley & Faultless office is located at 5588 Pershing Ave., Suite 110, in St. Louis, Missouri, 63112. Meetings can be arranged by appointment only.

 David W. Craig sits on the Board of Regents of the Academy of Truck Accident Attorneys (which requires the board certification in truck accident law). He is the managing partner and one of the founding partners of Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC. He is recognized as a Top 10 Trucking Trial Lawyer and Top 100 Trial Lawyer in Indiana by the National Trial Lawyers, as well as a Top 50 Indiana lawyer by Super Lawyers. David is the author of Semitruck Wreck, A Guide for Victims and Their Families, written to help people navigate a terrible situation by answering questions that come after a tragic wreck. He also hosts the podcast After the Crash, where you can gain valuable information about the dangers involving semis and large trucks that do not follow Indiana law safety protocol regarding speed, weather conditions, maintenance upkeep, etc.

david craig

David Craig is the managing partner as well as one of the founding partners of the law firm of Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC. Since he began practicing law more than 26 years ago, he has been fighting to obtain justice for ordinary people against insurance companies, trucking companies, large corporations and others.