Category: After the Crash

David Craig – Host: If you have young people and it’s snow and ice, take them out. Go out with them. I don’t care if they’re 18, 17, if they haven’t driven in snow and ice, take them out. And then be careful about letting other kids ride together in…

David Craig – Host: Well, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of After the Crash, the podcast. Today, we have a special guest, and we’re very fortunate to get this guest, because this time of year he’s very, very busy. But today, he agreed to be on this episode…

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month In 2022, distracted driving killed 3,308 people. April is Distracted Driving Awareness month. Here, at Craig, Kelley & Faultless, we encourage drivers to stop trying to multitask with cell phones while driving, and to instead focus on the road ahead. Distracted driving is unbelievably…

7 Lessons Parents Must Teach Their Teen Drivers As a personal injury attorney, I’ve witnessed firsthand the devastating consequences of crashes involving inexperienced teen drivers. With their lack of experience and tendency toward risky behaviors, teens have an almost four times greater risk of being involved in accidents on the…

Despite widespread campaigns of its risks, cell phone use behind the wheel continues to occur, posing a grave threat to drivers and pedestrians alike. Understanding why this behavior persists, particularly among young drivers, is important. As a personal injury attorney with firsthand experience witnessing the devastating consequences of distracted driving,…