John Stecher

From day one I was treated with the utmost respect and kindness. Amber Wehr was the paralegal who handled most everything for me. She was in constant contact with me to make sure I was doing OK and if I needed anything. She is an amazing person who made my life so much easier. She handled everything. I literally mean everything for me. All I had to do was focus on my physical therapy and heal as best as I could. I can’t thank CKF law enough. Everyone who I had any contact with was the utmost professional and treated me with respect. I grew up not really liking lawyers. I had that mentality like a lot of people do; lawyers are just out to get you. Take your money. Well, CKF law and especially Amber Wehr have showed me that there are amazing , good hearted, and honest lawyers. I was so impressed and thoroughly pleased with everyone and all their hard work. It made me feel like I was actually somebody of importance. Again, I can’t thank Amber Wehr enough for all of her hard work and dedication to my case. Even after business hours. She is such an amazing and kind person. The world needs a lot more like her as well as all at CKF Law. Great people! More important; honest and kind.